Friday, December 7, 2012

#12 - Collecting

I've only just started collecting teacups within the past year, but I'm looking forward to a big collection someday.  For the longest time I only drank tea out of a mug, mostly because that was all we had at my house.  Now almost always drink it out of one of my teacups.

The one in the front is the first one I got.  I found it at a thrift store for a quarter, but I loved how unique it looked.  Right now I see it as a hobby, but one day I would like a whole wall with every inch filled with teacups, like Andy Warhol's soup can art, and I want every one to be different. 

Lately, I've been drinking a lot of tea, and sometimes my roommate/friend and I will have 'Midnight Tea.'  It's pretty much what it sounds like: we drink tea in the middle of the night.  We also talk about our limited knowledge of tea etiquette and how hard it is to hold a teacup with your pinky out.  Cheesy, I know, but I like it.

Sugar cube?

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