Friday, October 18, 2013

On Bringing the Forest to the City, and Becoming Confident in the Process

I talked about Mori Girl earlier this year but I feel the need to talk about it again.  It's that great.  So, let's review.  Mori Girl is a Japanese fashion, sometimes called the sister of Lolita.  Mori means forest in Japanese, so the basic concept is to look like someone who lives in or came from the forest.  There aren't really any rules except modesty, and maybe flowiness, and you can bend Mori towards your own style.  Some Mori Girls wear lace, some wear plaid, some wear brighter colors, some wear prints, some go dark.  It's a really beautiful style and I wish more people in the U.S. appreciated it.  Now, take in some visual aids.





 The problem I have is that I don't have a lot of Mori pieces and it's hard to find any in the U.S., let alone in Tallahassee.  It's gotten to the point, though, that I try to wear Mori at least once a week.  What put me off in the beginning was that I was worried that people would think I was crazy or weird for wearing this kind of stuff, and being what they would call 'matronly.'  I got over that pretty quickly when I realized that they had no room to talk since they were wearing dresses so short that their butt cheeks were popping out.

Then I started wearing it every so often.  Here and there.  Until I realized that it gave me confidence.  Then I wore it on days when I needed to shore up my courage: Spanish oral exams, painting critiques, class discussions, and sometimes even just for the sheer pleasure of being different.  I found that wearing Mori gave me something more, and it helped that almost every time I wore it I got compliments from the most unexpected people.

Maybe Mori Girl isn't your style, and that's okay (as long as you still like lace).  Find your own style and don't be afraid of what other people might think of you for it.  They're just fashion zombies trying to show everything they have to the world.

And as I said before, Jesus will come back again before this catches on here.

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