Saturday, February 9, 2013

If All My Dresses Were Made of Lace, I'd Be a Happy Girl

When you move from a small town to a place like Tallahassee you get exposed to new things, some strange and some fun.  One of the strangest things about living in a college town is the fashion.  In general, things people wear around here are just a little bit strange to me.  Take, for instance, the current obsession with tights.  Don't get me wrong, I love tights.  They're really comfortable and great for layering, but the crazy girls around here just take it to a whole new level.  Apparently to them, layering is "so last year."  Instead, they like to wear their tights as a substitute for pants.  This drives me absolutely insane!  The most popular look is tights with a hoodie and tall boots, like these for instance:

Sometimes I'm compelled to ask them why they feel the need to show every contour of their booty to the whole world.

With art students, fashion is generally insane.  I've seen anything from cut up t-shirts to shorts that might as well be underwear.  Bras are optional and individuality is so thick you can't breath.  Some things you really just have to see to understand.

I've always had a pretty good sense of style, even though my style changes from day to day, but I've never been able to buy into the general fashion trend of showing as much skin as possible.  My best friend/roommate, Caroline, shares this sentiment.  Caroline is basically my window to the Korean/Japanese world, so I get to hear about all the crazy fashion trends they have over there, like those crazy big eye contacts they love so much.  But last fall I found out about one of their fashion trends that feels like the best thing for you life: Mori Girl.

Mori is the Japanese term for forest, so the whole idea is to look like a girl who lives in/came from the forest.  Lace and natural colors are encouraged, as is layering, and modesty (something foreign here in America) is almost always a must.  To me, lace is one of the best fabrics in the world, and I enjoy coming up with a Mori girl outfit every now and then, even if it's just to rebel from the rebels.  Now I'll leave you with a ridiculous amount of Mori Girl pictures.

The rapture will probably happen before this becomes popular around here.

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