Friday, May 27, 2016

My Literary Friends

At this point in my life, I couldn't imagine working anywhere else than at an elementary school.  It's been an amazing first year (well, part of a year), and I've grown SO much.  Seriously, you don't realize how much a daily dose of lunch duty will change you until you go from being scared of a handful of children to walking around shushing a room of a hundred.

One of the most fun things that went on this year was library appreciation week.  Anybody who knows me knows that I love books, so I was excited when our librarian announced a week full of events.  This included guessing teachers' favorite books, Literary Bingo, and trying to figure out how many jelly beans were in a jar.  My favorite thing was that she invited the teachers and staff to dress up as a book character and go on the morning announcements to talk about their book.

This time last year, I never would have been brave enough to do anything like that.  But this year?  I decided to dress up twice, of course.  I still can't believe I did it, and the kids loved it!

My first character was Nancy Drew.  When I went to Five Points, Nancy was my favorite.  I think I read every Nancy Drew book they had in the library, and even the ones at the public library.  The Nancy Drew series has been around since the 1930s, written by a myriad of people under the name Carolyn Keene.  Because I own an original 1945 copy of The Clue in the Crumbling Wall, I decided to go as 1940s Nancy drew.  I altered a 1960s skirt and practiced my victory rolls, and we can't forget a magnifying glass.



1940s hair is NOT EASY.  But it's SO pretty!



We even got in some really weird, 40s inspired poses. (But what is the deal with my face?)


Another of my favorite books is Stargirl.  Stargirl is brave and zany.  She doesn't care what other people think about her, and she's not afraid to have ideas that go contrary with society.  She takes Mica High School by storm.  My favorite of her crazy outfits in the book is the prairie dress.  And it wouldn't be complete without her giant sunflower bag and ukulele.

And we can't forget her faithful pet rat, Cinnamon. He was a pain to make, but so worth it!

This dress is so flowy and I love it.

Look at it!


I even sang and played the ukulele on the announcements to people who had birthdays.  It was great!  And I wore these clothes the whole day, two different days, all over campus.  How many other jobs let you do that?

With school ending, I'm going to be posting again, and way more often!  In just a few days I'll be starting a fashion history series, and after that? Well, sewing, of course.  And writing. And other stuff.  Yep.

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