Friday, January 2, 2015

Rising from the Dead

My first "resolution" of the year is to claw my way out of the darkness and back onto this blog.  I haven't written anything in months (since I graduated, actually), mostly because there hasn't been that much to write about, but also because I've been a little busy.  I'm going to try to write way more often, even if it's just about dumb things, or a silly poem.  I miss writing for my handful of peoples.

My second "resolution" is to get rid of one piece of clothing for every one I buy or receive as a gift.  So far it's working out judging by the yard sale stack beside my door.

This week I can't think of anything philosophical to write, so I'll just talk about what I've been doing.  In September I started babysitting my nephew a few days a week.  I didn't have a job and my sister needed to get things done, so, you know.  I still haven't found a job and I'm still sitting him, but it's fun.  Since he's starting to talk he says all sorts of entertaining things, like butt, rama(llama), wat(water), and doggy.  He calls me Keet.

Since I haven't been working I've been a maid/sous chef/gardener/happily-endentured servant to my mother.  She gives me a list of things she needs done during the day and I do them.  She has to make a list because I'm notorious for forgetting things.  I am my mother's daughter, after all.  She's never made me do anything too bad, at least not compared to changing a mushy poopy diaper with curds in it.

I've also been crafting and arting and sewing, all kinds of creative things!  I turned a skirt into a dress, sewed a whole entire dress, and even made books for Christmas presents.  Currently I'm crocheting a ridiculously huge scarf.  I have so many things on my list that I need to do.  It's ridiculous.

This is the dress I made.  My mom helped me because I'm no master sewer, but I'm trying to get better.  I made it for my birthday "party," which consisted of Caroline and I drinking tea and watching movies.  We also made cookies and and read our tea leaves, which is never boring.  The dress is supposed to be regency style, and we made it by altering a pattern for a 90's dress.  The pictures of the dress and the tea were taken by Caroline.

We used my mom's glass teapot and drank our vanilla rose tea out of teacups from my collection.

Speaking of my teacup collection, do you remember this?

Since the post where I announced my plans to collect teacups, my collection has exploded!  Not too long ago I passed the 50 mark, and my grand total as of today is 61!

Some with saucers.

Some more with saucers, and me photobombing.

These are above my TV.

And these flank it.

They also fill the shelves above my desk.

This one lives with the miscellaneous things atop my bookshelf.  Yes, that is an Alpaca with ear-warmers on.

And this one keeps the books company.

This mini cup lives on my night stand with the scentsy.  I sometimes put hair ties and bobby pins in it.

I even have them below the TV.

These guys don't have a home yet.  I'm still in the process of putting up more shelving.  The one in the middle I've had for a while, and the one to the right I got for Christmas from my cousin and her husband.  The ones in the back came from my aunt's free yard sale.

This is my current everyday cup.  I'll use it for my morning tea, or any tea, until I feel like switching it up.  It lives in the kitchen with my mom's rooster paraphernalia.

I got these two today from some thrift shops.  The one on the right makes my fourth wheat themed cup.

My mom gave me these for Christmas.  Today.  I still love her.

As always, Christmas was one get together after another.  My favorite is always when we go to Panama City and have Christmas at my grandma's house.  We play this never-ending game where people steal gifts from each other.  I came away with a gingerbread house cookie jar that I'll use one day when I have my own home.  We also gorge ourselves on finger food and home-made cookies.  I ate so much, and I don't care what you think of me for it...he he!  We stayed for a week, and partied till out pants didn't fit.

I stayed with my Auntie Jewel, who shares my love of tea and pretty things.  Her spare room was finally finished and it was beautiful!  The window had frilly white curtains and was flanked by two ceiling-high bookshelves stuffed with books!  AHHHH!  There was even a little cushy chair and table beneath the window to sit and read!  There's only one sentence in this paragraph that isn't excited!

We shopped and played games, of course.  And ate.  My favorite game was Quelf.  It's the most ridiculous game I've ever played.  At one point I had to spending most of the game talking like a pirate, much to the enjoyment of all.  I called everyone lass, threatened to run people through, and started every sentence with "Aye!"  My mom said I sounded Scottish.

For New Years my parents and I spent the night creeping around the house because my nephew was sleeping over.  I drew all evening and then went to bed when my computer rang in the new year, amidst all the rednecks shooting their guns outside.

This has been my post-college life so far.  I don't know how it could get better than this.


  1. Your teacup collection is so cute ^^ And I love your dress! It's gorgeous <3
