A) He was cited for reckless driving
B) He was in a company vehicle
C) He gets to be chewed out by his boss and I don't
In other news, I only have one more week of school left, plus an exam the following Monday. YAY! However, I will be furiously working on my final project for experimental drawing this weekend, as well as doing ridiculous busy work for my foundation classes. These foundation classes are a joke, but at least I got to have an awesome professor like Kevin.
After our final exam Caroline and I might have a sleep-in-the-living-room-and-watch-movies party. Then we're going to have Apartment Cleaning Day, which I'm actually looking forward to. After that, the adventure begins!
So what does my summer look like? Well, kind of like this:
Panama City
Swimming! (and drawing)

And this guy, my nephew! Yep, it's a boy!
This week has been crazy you guys, and I'm not talking about my life anymore. Everything in the news this week has just made me really sad. So I try to take comfort from the words I gave to my nephew a few weeks ago, "Don't despair about life in this world, baby. It's a lot better than some people make it out to be." A lot of people would ask me how I can still say that after everything that's happened this week. I can say it because I have a purpose, because I've been blessed with family and friends who love me (and who I love to death!), and because I saw a guy try to give up his seat on the bus for a girl the other day. I can say it because I have reached out and taken hold of the hope God has held out, and I hang onto it with everything I have.
So I'll leave you with this, "You must never give in to despair. Allow yourself to slip down that road and you surrender to your lowest instincts." It's something Uncle Iroh from Avatar said, but even though it's a cartoon it still resonates.
I'm not going to surrender. Will you?
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